For any Police Assistance call 911
Fax 610-497-2133
A Force dedicated to serving and protecting your Community
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Keep updated and informed on Trainer Borough Police Department page
You may post any concerns you have or send a Facebook private message.
The page will be checked everyday
Chief Priscopo
Sgt. Ostan
Detective Jones
Officer Donnelly
Officer Holobowicz
Officer A. Youssef
Officer Grove
Officer O. Youssef
Part-Time Patrolman
Detective Mervine
Officer Repine
Officer Massey
Officer Singley
Officer Gallagher
Officer Greene
Officer Adams
Officer Keeney
*Residents are encouraged to report drug activity and traffic violations. You may do so by calling the above number and proper extension when prompted.
You may remain anonymous
Crime prevention is everyone’s responsibility
If you see something or someone suspicious, call 9-1-1. The police would rather respond and learn the suspicious person had a legitimate reason to be in the area, than find out later that the person was committing crimes in our community and got away. Make note of any details such as car make, model, and color: person description including hair, size and clothing: every possible detail will help!