Henry Johnson Park

access via

Township Line Rd. or 9th and Veteran's Drive

Rental fees: Will be increased TBD as of January 1, 2025

Resident - $150.00 (5hr. half day) $250.00 (8hr. full day) plus a refundable $100.00deposit

Non-Resident - $250.00 (5hr. half day) $350.00 (8hr. full day) plus a refundable $150.00 deposit


*Rental includes use of the Pavilion, electric, water and bathrooms

*Moon Bounces are permitted with a certificate of liability insurance

*No alcoholic beverages are permitted

Park Rental Application
New application. There has been a significant increase in the rental cost. The past fees did not cover the cost of a rental, such as employee pay to open, close, clean, etc. as well as the use of utilities. It was costing the Borough money to rent the park.
2025 HJP rental app.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 879.8 KB